Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

This fall has been a great time for our family. Dave and Don are growing fast, and learning to do new things almost everyday. Dave has now decided that walking is his preferred method of travel. I'll put video of it later. Don likes to walk, he likes it so much that he'll only take a couple of steps before his starts laughing and then falls down. We've gone on a couple of 'adventures' too. This picture was taken at cave falls. Isn't it gorgeous? There is a cave at the bottom of the falls, but because of a rock slide we weren't able to see it.
For Halloween this year Don and Dave dressed up as Thing One and Thing Two. I was going to go as the cat in the hat. . .but changed my mind. (actually, just didn't get my cat in the hat hat made) We went to the Library story hour, they read a few halloween books, then all the kids went on a costume parade and got some goodies. It was a good first story time experience. Later on, Peter and Amanda brought Josh and Eva over for a halloween party, their kids were super cute too (see here)
Fall really is great. The boys have loved playing in the leaves (On the days it is warm enough to go outside)
These pictures are from before halloween. We found some cool pumpkin decorations and put those in our pumpkins. Dave and Don thought it was a game, they'd take the pieces out, Aaron would put them back in...And no matter what I did, I couldn't get David to hold still long enough, or smile at the camera, so here he is, enjoying his pumpkin.
Don was a different story, As long has he got to sit on his Dad's lap, he'd smile for a million pictures.
So, I hope y'all had a happy halloween.

1 comment:

Faith 'n Family said...

How Fun! Your boys are getting SO big! River is praying for a brother now, she definitely thinks we need some boys in our family :)