Monday, February 8, 2010

When we're helping we're happy

Well, we've entered a new phase of life. One in which David and Don want to do everything we do. They love to help us do everything, from washing the dishes, folding clothes, making the bed. Or, as shown in the picture below, helping Dad fix things. (in this case it was the couch, but that is a different story) After introducing David to the wonders of screw drivers, he's been carrying a screw driver all over the house, and 'fixing' things.
They love 'helping' me make the bread too. Don's contribution was to pick up all the extra flour and dispose of it. Raw flour....yummy.
The boys are not only excellent mess makers, they are great at 'cleaning' up their messes as well.
This is Don working on his cinderfella skills.
David is here practicing his mop dance.
Here are both boys showing off their 'so clean we eat off of it' floor.
And just for fun, here is an example of David's newest found skill.


Holly said...

SO funny! I love Don's flour mustache. And Dave's harmonica skills. Now you need to teach Don the banjo and you guys will be ready to start your own bluegrass band!

marshall said...

well, he thinks he can play the ukulele.

Traci said...

Cute pics! And I like how you said "cinderfella" - maybe you got it from someone else, but since I've never heard it before I'm attributing it to you.

Faith 'n Family said...

How Great! It's fun when they love to be part of everything. Darling Boys!

Laura said...

SO CUTE! It almost looks like he is smiling about the consumed flour . . . for sure something to show him when he gets older!