Saturday, March 5, 2011

Exciting News.

We have some very exciting news to share! . . .. later. Until we find out the exciting news, you'll just have to be content to see the boys. Dave and Eva enjoying a ride on "Bruce" David and his snowman, that he liked so much he had to give it a kiss.

Don and Dave with their "Quince" They love it when they get to see their baby cousin. Especially David.

Don wants to be just like his Dad when he grows up, so right now he is practicing by wearing his dad's snowmachine helmet and gloves. Reminds me a bit of "dark Helmet"

The other day, the cousins were over playing and they all insisted on riding their own truck and wearing a hat.

"Psst, don't tell anyone, but . . . ."

"Who is a wild child?" (the ones with their hands raised, are definitely a little wilder than their counterparts) Fun times

David loves Horses, as long as he doesn't have to touch a real one. Here he is enjoying a leisurely ride at christmas time.

1 comment:

Liz Taylor said...

Ruth!!! What is the exciting news? You can't just leave everyone hanging!